Saturday, November 1, 2008

Weekly Update: 29 Oct 08

Fresh from the "Moving Wall" escort (see the story here), a sense of pride swelling within us, Face Man and I prepare for the weekly fire fight at Camp Edgewater. The deuces roll out from HQ, and we're on our way. As I drive towards the event, I feel my anticipation grow. I cannot wait to show the McCain camp some love, and the hippies some disdain, by laying on the mighty horn of the deuce as we pass the lineup. To add insult to injury, the appearance of two deuces should really peeve the hippies, see the history of this battle on the 15 Oct update on our main page.

The stars are aligned in our direction. A group of "McCainiacs" is already firmly entrenched across the street from the hippies. As I suspected, there are some new members in the hippie camp... Obama supporters. Face and I round the corner. I release a war cry... "No B.O.!" The long blast of the deuce's air horn results in some funny episodes. The McCain camp recognizes me, and cheers us. The usual crowd of hippies cap their ears. The newcomers to the peace creep movement are unaware of our ongoing battle, and unaware of who I actually am. Some of them cheer (again... people in Florida are easily confused, especially the hippies). The newcomers think that we are honking for them, because of their "honk for peace" signs. After I don "the suit" and present my "honk if you smell better than a hippie" sign, they will soon realize their mistake.

As we pull into the parking lot of Camp Edgewater, we see Tom, American flag, and "America: humanities' best hope" sign in hand. Tom heard the puissant call of the deuce, and knew that we had arrived.

Dug in to our position, we await the impending incoming fire. I think back to the original article in the Times that mentioned the fact that the hippies used to gather further north, on U.S. 19., but had abandoned that post because people were throwing things at them, not excluded were bottles and rotten fruit. They thought that they could find safe haven in the confines of Dunedin (a supposedly more "tolerant" environment). Perhaps they were better off in their days of yore. Heh heh, sometimes I crack myself up! I love what we do!

Soon after our deployment, a "code pinko" moved to outflank us. The sign she is holding declares "war sucks McCain swallows" (Boy, that's clever) Her affront is well documented here, note the school bus full of children immediately behind her. These venomous purveyors of hate do not appreciate the sanctities of childhood and innocence. Do our children really need to be subject to this smut? As much as we would like to, (I am, however, guilty of this on occasion) we try to avoid using off color metaphors. But none of our signs are verbally offensive to children, or their parents. Unless,of course, their parents are pacifistic parasites of freedom who defame our nation's military, and the just war on radical Muslim extremists, that we are currently involved in, and impart these sentiments to their offspring.

As has become common, a few members of the McCain camp join us on our side of the street. One member is Mandy, whose husband has just returned from serving in Iraq. She stands next to the "code pinko" with her McCain sign, only to be assailed with verbiage from the "peace" activist... "B!^&#" is the least of the acrimonious terms she must endure. She approaches my fighting hole, scans through the signs that I have available for unprepared, yet enthusiastic, enlistees. She chooses the " Honk if you smell better than a hippie" sign. I delight in the fact that, throughout the course of the event, she repeatedly expresses her adoration for this sign. Later in the day, her husband drove past. Mandy was so enthusiastic. I revel in her pride for her husband, as this is why we do what we do. Support our troops. I hope that I get a chance to meet him and personally thank him some day. Both of you are more than welcome to join us in our weekly battle against the hippies.

Around this time, Mrs. America and Mel confront "Bong water". He has joined the "code pinko" on our flank. However we know from past experience that this man is weak, and is frightened by strong women (see 22 Oct update here) The McCain sign is placed at his feet by our sappers, and the effort is successful, he moves on.
Joe (from the McCain camp) clues me into a surprise guest. There is a woman who has bedecked her RV with pro McCain /Palin signage, and travels the I-4 corridor touting her support, and encouraging others to support, the presidential candidate. I had heard her on the "Glenn Beck" radio show, just this morning. She nestles her larger than life display directly across the street from the hippies, and joins in the fray.

The afternoon was punctuated by the appearance of "The Guy". He has been a regular supporter as he passes by in traffic, ever since the inception of our unit. The Guy joins us, and informs us that he cannot unite with us on a weekly basis, as he is employed by liberal fascists, and fears losing his job. This is a sad state of affairs, but one that we must fight by defeating the communist proposals of the Democrat candidate for this election. Welcome, friend. Glad you could finally gather with us.

The shadows from the trees have grown longer, engulfing us in the now darkened, and chilly environs. It is time to wrap up today's fire fight, and return to our respective CP's (command posts). The glares and gestures from the peace creeps who are loading their tripe ridden propaganda pieces into the tiny trunks of their prius' and VW's, signify another victory for our ever vigilant coalition.

The McCainiacs have been a tireless and stalwart fixture in the recent weeks running up to the election. They have decided to deploy to Camp Edgewater every afternoon at the same time, until election day. I must return to the job site in Kissimmee, but as soon as I return, I will impart my solidarity with our new friends, by joining their campaign. I hope that, after the election, these proud patriots will return to assist us in the ongoing efforts of Operation Peace On You.


"Lt. Otowski" said...

I love the new pictures, Captain! some very dramatic poses!

And as always, great stories! I need to get back down there just to see the hippies when the Deuces show up and blast their eardrums to a better place. Assuming they didn't lose their hearing standing too close the amps at a Grateful Dead show, of course.

Support The Troops!

Anonymous said...

I love you Captain America!!