Thursday, October 16, 2008

Weekly update 15 Oct 08

We were short handed this week, but the McCain supporters again gave us a boost. Brooklyn was in rare form, though! I just love watching him make repeated passes in front of the lineup on his Harley with the large American flag flying proudly behind him. There's something about Old Glory that just infuriates the hippies. Apparently a local resident was also none too happy with the noise from the Harley, he got in Brooklyn's face. Mrs America quickly broke up the dog fight and sent the complainer on his way.
A teen aged peace creep had a sign with an upside down American flag on it. His pathetic wisp of a "beard" and "9/11 is an inside job" hat belied his claims of being a disgruntled republican (once again, the peace creeps' traditional ploy that I have covered in the past. click here for details.). His attempt to validate this abominable display of our nations symbol not only fell on deaf ears, but was also as factually incorrect as the rest of his "straight from the classroom of a strip mall community college" arguments.
As Face man pulled up in the deuce, he blasts the horn. The hippies were dropping their "we hate America" signs, pained expressions on their faces and hands clapped tightly to their heads, as if to keep the blood from spurting from ruptured ear drums.
The days mission complete, we adjourn to the parking lot. 2 Sheriff's deputies awaited us. It appears that the hippies have called them to report that the deuce did not have a license plate. Face Man informs the deputies that the law states that the plates are not required to be displayed due to military preservation society statutes. The proper paperwork is shown, we all laugh as the hippies glared on, obviously angered by the fact that they could not suppress our rights and freedoms.
Another successful mission.

1 comment:

"Lt. Otowski" said...

Fantastic story! I love the bit about the Deuce complying with the laws, but the hippies being ignorant of the fact. Much like the protest permit they thought they needed! Classic!