Friday, October 3, 2008

We support our troops AND their mission

Every Wednesday from 4:30 - 6:00PM at "Camp Edgewater" ( the corner of Main St. and Alt US19, Dunedin,FL) we gather to show our support for our valiant men and women who serve our country, and confront the "Code Pinkos" and "9/11 Truthers" who assemble to bring the mindless masses to support the defeat of our way of life. We would like you to join us in our efforts to defeat the the supporters of socialism and anti-American sentiment. If you are in the area, please join us. If You are not in our area, please (non-violently) start your own group of "counter protesters". It turns out to be a lot of fun, while you piss off some hippies! Contact me for any advice for dealing with the "peace" activists, as they tend to be rather nasty, vitriolic, and threatening. Imagine that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Semper Fi,
Continue to take it to the anti american "peace lovers".


I have attended a few of the rallys at camp edgewater and have been struck by the venom and hate that the so called Peace activist spew. Only problem with that is the only place they feel impowered to rail against america is in the streets of america where they are under the protection of true patriots like "Captain America"

I will be on the line again, shoulder to shoulder with other patriots.

Thanks and prayers for all that our military does, day in and day out, to keep the savage hordes at bay!

Count on support when you need it most. With the constraints of work and family I can not be a part of the weekly battle. Call on me when a "surge" is required. We know from past experience that it works!

Bigg West.